Understand how a blood transfusion is done, and how long the whole process will take.
A blood transfusion is usually given through a small tube inserted directly into a blood vessel in the arm.
On average, it takes about two to three hours for each unit of red cells to be transfused, and about 20 to 30 minutes for each unit of platelets or plasma.
Due to the risk of bacterial infection or deterioration of the blood components when they are exposed to room temperatures, transfusion of each unit should not take more than four hours.
A nurse will monitor your temperature, pulse and blood pressure before the start of the transfusion. This will continually be monitored during the transfusion.
You should notify the nurse immediately if you feel unwell or become uncomfortable during or just after the transfusion.
Can I donate
Make an appointment
Where to donate
Blood donation process
Maintain healthy iron levels
Blood stock levels
Types of blood donations
Blood facts and figures
Blood transfusion
Covid-19 vaccine
Rhesus negative blood
vCJD restriction
National guidelines on clinical transfusion
Donating Blood After Overseas Travel