Understand the licensing requirements before you import, wholesale and manufacture therapeutic products in Singapore.
Under our current activity-based licensing framework, your company needs to hold the relevant therapeutic products dealer’s licences to import and wholesale therapeutic products in Singapore.
An importer’s licence for therapeutic products (TPIL) and a wholesaler’s licence for therapeutic products (TPWL) are required to import and wholesale therapeutic products respectively. Your company must comply with the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) standard before these licences are granted to you.
If you are the product registrant and have outsourced the import and wholesale activities (including the invoicing to another company), you do not need to hold these licences yourself. The above licensing requirements and GDP compliance apply to the company that you have outsourced the activities to.
If your company is involved in both import and wholesale of therapeutic products, you may bundle the applications for both the importer's licence (TPIL) and wholesaler's licence (TPWL), so that a lower bundled application fee can be applied. This is not applicable if your company’s importer’s licence is for restricted activity only.
For the import and wholesale of an unregistered therapeutic product for patient’s use, apart from the TPIL and TPWL, a consignment approval from our Therapeutic Products Branch will also be required prior to the import.
Companies which are only conducting the following restricted activities require an importer's licence for therapeutic product (TPIL). A wholesaler's licence for therapeutic product (TPWL) is not required. In this case, you may choose to apply for an importer's licence for restricted activity only, at a lower fee.
If your company is applying for an importer's licence for restricted activity, you may choose to apply for a term (annual) or consignment (one-time only) importer's licence according to your company's operational needs. You should ensure that activities that you intend to conduct are indicated during your application submission.
HSA-licensed retail pharmacies and wholesalers may continue to supply TP for animal use based on valid veterinary prescriptions and signed (purchase) orders from licensed veterinarians, veterinary clinics, feedmills, farms and registered wholesalers which are supplying TP solely for veterinary use.
For any enquiry or feedback relating to veterinary products, please contact animal_feedback@nparks.gov.sg.
You do not need to apply for an importer's licence (TPIL) or a wholesaler's licence (TPWL) for therapeutic products.
However, you will need to submit a Clinical Research Material (CRM) notification to our Innovation Office & Clinical Trials Branch prior to the import and supply of an unregistered therapeutic product for use as CRM in a clinical trial.
If you hold a valid manufacturer's licence for therapeutic products (TPML), you do not need a:
A "Responsible Person" (RP) needs to be named in the importer’s or wholesaler’s licence. This person is employed and appointed by the licensee to implement and maintain an effective quality management system that meets the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) standard.
The RP named in the importer's or wholesaler's licence must be a registered pharmacist if your company deals in any of the following:
Refer to our Guidance Notes on Duties of Responsible Persons Named in the Importer's Licence and Wholesaler's Licence140 KB for more information.
All local manufacturing facilities engaged in the manufacture or assembly of therapeutic products must have a valid manufacturer's licence for therapeutic product (TPML). Your company must comply with the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standard before the TPML is granted to you.
If you hold a valid TPML, you do not need a:
Two responsible persons (RPs) need to be named in the manufacturer’s licence as follows:
The RP must be employed and appointed by the licensee to implement and maintain an effective quality management system (QMS) that meets Good Manufacturing Practice standard.
The RP named in the manufacturer’s licence must have:
If you are dealing in products containing controlled drugs or psychotropic substances, you will also need to apply for the relevant dealer's licences for controlled drugs or psychotropic substances respectively.
Show me how
Regulatory overview
Register your product
Apply for post-approval variation
Reclassify your product
Dealer's licensing and certification
Retain, cancel or transfer product registration
Risk management plan requirements
Report adverse events
Report or recall defective products
Retail pharmacy licensing
Clinical trials
Product consultation
Advertisements and promotions
Medicines quality and compliance monitoring
Listing of approvals and post-registration actions
International collaboration
Guidance documents
Fees and turnaround time
PRISM (Therapeutic products)