Cell, Tissue & Gene Therapy Registration | |
- Controlled drugs and psychotropic substances
- Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (CPP)
- Free Sale Certificate (FSC)
- Statement of Licensing Status (SLS)
| Regulatory overview and requirements: Reprinting or reissuance of original hardcopy licences/certificates Please ensure that all details entered are correct and accurate in your applications for licences/certificates before submitting them to us. Note: We will only issue the original hardcopy for the following licences/certificates once. There will be no reprinting or reissuance. If you need another original document, please submit a new application in PRISM. - Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product (CPP),
- Free Sale Certificate (FSC),
- Statement of Licensing Status (SLS),
- Licence to Import Controlled Drugs
- Licence to Export Controlled Drugs
- Approval to Import Therapeutic Products Containing Psychotropic Substances
- Approval to Export Therapeutic Products Containing Psychotropic Substances
- Import Authorisation for Psychotropic Substances
- Export Licence for Psychotropic Substances
- Certificate of Approval for Import of a Therapeutic Product
- Import Authorisation for Restricted Substances
Complementary Health Products
| Regulatory overview and requirements (For industry): Product Classification: Use our Complementary Health Products (CHP) Classification Tool for the classification of products such as Chinese Proprietary Medicines, Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements, Homeopathic Medicines etc. Products used on animals, as well as products presented in the form of food and beverages, such as biscuits, cookies, coffee, and juice are not CHPs. Useful links: Bringing Complementary Health Products (CHPs) for personal use into Singapore No approval is required from HSA if you are importing the following CHPs for your personal use in Singapore: - Health Supplements
- Homeopathic Medicines
- Medicated Oil and Balm
- Traditional Medicines (except Traditional Chinese Medicines*)
*For Traditional Chinese Medicines, please submit the product label showing the ingredients and intended use of the product for approval. All consumers and travellers are to ensure that the products do not contain any substances regulated under these acts |
Clinical Trials | Clinical Trial Regulatory Submission Clinical Research Materials Notification (CRM-N) Participating in Clinical Trials (CT Register) - Understand the possible benefits, risks and your rights in a clinical trial.
- Search for a clinical trial that you may be eligible for and contact the healthcare institution for more information.
Cosmetic Products and Oral-Dental Gums | |
- Dealers’ Licensing and Certification
- Retail pharmacies licensing
| Licensing requirements and applications Check |
Health Product Safety | If you have a feedback, please email hsa_info@hsa.gov.sg |
Report Illegal Dealing of Health Products | Your feedback will be assessed to determine the most appropriate course of action. We would like to seek your understanding that we are unable to:
- Act on incomplete or unclear information. Hence, to facilitate our timely follow-up/investigations, we appreciate if you could provide as much information possible such as the details about the seller (name, location, contact info), URL of the web posting, product information etc.
- Update you on the investigation status or outcomes of your feedback. This is important to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the investigations.
- Advise you on matters such as refunds for your purchases or disputes arising from sale of goods. You may wish to approach the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE) to seek assistance on your refund claim with the retailer.
To report illegal health products dealings/activities, please email hsa_info@hsa.gov.sg by stating your feedback clearly in the email subject. |
Medical Advertisements & Sales Promotion | - Processing time for each permit application is 14 working days.
Medical Devices Registration and Licensing | Regulatory self-help tools (For the industry) You are encouraged to reference the Singapore Medical Device Register (SMDR) and guidance documents as additional guides to help you classify and/or group your devices. All supporting documents which adequately validate the statements you have selected in the risk classification/grouping tool(s) must be submitted to substantiate the proposed risk classification/grouping category for your pre-market and/or change notification application. Regulatory requirements |
Therapeutic Products Registration | |
Tobacco Control and Enforcement | Tobacco licence application criteria and processes: |