Find out how you can apply for the voluntary GMP certificate for local manufacturers.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification is a voluntary scheme offered to local manufacturers of the following products, interested to be certified for conformity with relevant GMP standards by us:
To apply for a GMP certificate, you must be authorised by your company to do so as the person responsible, such as managing director, QA/QC manager or production manager.
After our GMP auditors have completed the GMP certification audit and find that your company has demonstrated satisfactory compliance with the required GMP standard, we will issue the certificate in the name of your company as registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority. The scope of certification is normally determined by the scope of the actual audit that was performed at the manufacturing facility and the types of dosage forms or range of products being manufactured.
A GMP certificate is valid for three years from the date of assessment and cannot be renewed or amended. Upon expiry, you will need to submit a new application if you are still interested in re-certification. GMP audits will apply.
Please refer to HSA | Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Distribution Practice Standards
Active pharmaceutical ingredients
Cosmetic products
GMP Guidelines for Manufacturers of Cosmetic Products242 KB
A Site Master File must be attached in the application. For information on the preparation of a Site Master File, refer to the relevant guidance notes:
Refer to Certification fees and turn-around-time for more information.
Submit your application through PRISM. Ensure you have the following before you access the e-service:
If you encounter technical issues, e-mail the HSA helpdesk or call 6776 0168 (from 7.00 am to midnight daily).
Regulatory overview
Register your product
Apply for post-approval variation
Reclassify your product
Dealer's licensing and certification
Retain, cancel or transfer product registration
Risk management plan requirements
Report adverse events
Report or recall defective products
Retail pharmacy licensing
Clinical trials
Product consultation
Advertisements and promotions
Medicines quality and compliance monitoring
Listing of approvals and post-registration actions
International collaboration
Guidance documents
Fees and turnaround time
PRISM (Therapeutic products)