You must submit an amendment application for changes to your approved licence such as the scope of activities.
An amendment application must be submitted when there are changes to your approved licence details, such as scope of activities and premises.
If you intend to change your importer's licence granted for full scope activities to one that is solely for restricted activities, or vice versa, you will need to cancel your existing licence and submit a new licence application.
Technical assessments, including site inspections, may be conducted by HSA for certain amendments such as those that would have direct impact on the product's quality. The following are examples of amendments that require technical assessment:
The following amendments do not require technical assessment:
Note: While these amendments generally do not require technical assessments, there may be cases where technical assessment is deemed necessary.
Technical assessment, which may include site inspection, may be conducted by HSA for certain amendments such as those that would have direct impact on the product's quality.
Examples of amendments which require technical assessments:
Examples of amendments which do not require technical assessment:
Refer to CTGTP fees and turnaround time for more information.
Submit your applications through SHARE.
Regulatory overview
Class 1 CTGTP notification
Register a Class 2 CTGTP
Variation applications
Dealer's notice
Dealer's licensing and certification
Risk management plan requirements
Report adverse events
Report or recall defective products
Clinical trials
Product consultation
Advertisements and promotions
Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product
Duties And Obligations
Guidance documents
Fees and turnaround time
Notified Class 1 CTGTP
Register of Class 2 CTGTP
Register of CTGTP Dealer's Notices, Licences and Certificates
CTGTP E-services