Change Notification process
Change Notification process
The Change Notification has to be submitted online in the Medical Device Information & Communication System (MEDICS@HSA).
Changes may be grouped and submitted as one CN application for medical device listings based on the following guidelines:
- Multiple changes in one dossier for a single risk class.
- Changes in two or more dossiers for a single risk class.
- Identical administrative and notification changes to multiple SMDR listings.
- Same new product added to multiple SMDR listings.
- Technical changes to the same medical device (same product identifier) that is part of multiple device listings.
- Identical changes in different risk classes.
- Change in product owner.
- Change in manufacture and/or sterilisation site.
- Update of QMS certificate validity date.
- Addition of identical Class A accessories.
Note: When there are identical changes arising from open FSCA or reportable Adverse Events (AE) involving SMDR listings of different risk classes, please seek advice from the Medical Devices Branch prior to CN submission.
Please note that it is not possible to submit a new CN application if there is a pending CN application for the same product. In such cases, registrants can explore one of the following options:
- Withdraw the pending CN application and submit a new CN application
- Submit a new CN application once the pending CN application is completed
For applications with changes to multiple categories (e.g. notifications, administrative, technical and review changes), they shall be classified based on the most stringent category of change in that application. The fees and turn-around-time (TAT) will follow that respective category.
For more information on submitting a CN, please refer to the Guidance Notes on Grouping of Medical Devices for Product Registration.
Fees and turnaround time
Refer to medical device fees and turnaround time for more information.
For multiple changes within one Change Notification submission, fees charged will be according to the most stringent change category in the application.
You can pay online with a credit card, or by GIRO (application form227 KB). Fees paid are non-refundable, even if your application is withdrawn or rejected.