Fees and turnaround time of Chinese Proprietary Medicines

Here is the list of fees and Turnaround time to help you with your Chinese Proprietary Medicine transactions.

Product listing

Product listing

Fees: There are currently no fees for the application of a new product listing and the amendment or transfer of a product listing.

Turnaround time for the application of a new or amendments to product listing is 60 working days, excluding the time taken by you to respond to our request for clarification or additional information (applicant's stop-clock).

Import and wholesale dealer's licences

Import and wholesale dealer's licences

Import and Wholesale Dealer's Licence for CPM Fees
Import licence:  
Application for a new import licence $  560
Licence fee for each subsequent year $  560
Amendment application for import licence:  
  • Without site inspection
 $   57
  • With site inspection
$ 330
Wholesale dealer's licence:  
Application for a new wholesale dealer's licence $  560
Licence fee for each subsequent year $  560
Amendment application for wholesale dealer's licence:  
  • Without site inspection
 $   57
  • With site inspection
$ 330

Manufacturer's licence

Manufacturer's licence

Manufacturer's licence for CPM Fees
New licence application for the:  
Manufacture of either an external preparation OR oral preparation only $ 1,670
Manufacture of both external preparation AND oral preparation $ 2,230
Primary assembly $ 1,110
Secondary assembly only
$    660
Licence fee for each subsequent year for  
A manufacturer of either an external preparation OR oral preparation $ 1,670
A manufacturer of both external preparation AND oral preparation $ 2,230
A primary assembler $ 1,110
A secondary assembler
$    660
Amendment application for a CPM manufacturer's licence  
Without site inspection (for manufacturers/assemblers)  $      57
With site inspection (for manufacturers) $ 1,110
With site inspection (for assemblers only) $    560

Import for re-export permit for Chinese Proprietary Medicines


There are currently no fees for the application of the import for re-export permit for CPM.

Other local dealer's certificates (GMP, FSC)

Local dealers may voluntarily apply for the following certificates subject to compliance with the relevant standards:

Certificates for local dealers  Fees TAT
GMP certificate for local manufacturers
Application for a GMP Certificate $ 6,570 10 working days
from audit close out date
Each additional GMP certificate not requiring further assessment $    220
Certificate for Exporter of Chinese Proprietary Medicines/FSC
Application for a FSC $    111 10 working days
from application date

Advertisements and sales promotion permit

Permit fees and turnaround time (TAT)

Advertisement and sales promotion permit Fees TAT
NEW application for each permit for:
Still media advertisement $ 111 14 working days
Sound media advertisement $ 111
Light and sound media advertisement $ 220
Sales promotion $ 111
Permit fees for the FIRST year for:
Still media advertisement $ 111 Permits are valid for 1 year
unless otherwise stated
Sound media advertisement $ 111
Light and sound media advertisement $ 111
Sales promotion $ 111
Permit fees for each SUBSEQUENT year for:
Still media advertisement $ 222 Permits are valid for 1 year
unless otherwise stated
Sound media advertisement $ 222
Light and sound media advertisement $ 331
Sales promotion $ 222
Amendment application for each permit $   57 14 working days
Transfer of permit
(up to 20 permits per application)
$   18