Blood donation
Blood donation is a safe process. The average adult has 4 to 5 litres of blood. During a donation, only 350 to 450 ml of blood is drawn. About 8% to 12% of your blood volume (depending on your weight) will be taken during blood donation. The fluid (plasma) portion of your donated blood will be replaced in a few days.
Whole blood donations collect the blood with all its components, while apheresis donations collect specific blood components such as plasma or platelets.
In 2024, we collected 128,019 whole blood and 8,355 apheresis donations. View the Big Blood Picture 2024.
Click here for the common misconceptions on blood donation.
About Singapore’s voluntary non-remunerated blood donation policy
In Singapore, blood donors donate blood or blood components such as platelets and plasma on their own free will and they do not receive any incentives for doing so. This is known as voluntary non-remunerated blood donation (VNRBD) and is the foundation of a safe and sustainable blood supply. This is aligned with the World Health Organisation and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Singapore’s VNRBD policy is in place to make sure that donors are honest about their medical history and any high-risk social activities they may have engaged in. If donors were paid or given incentives, they might be tempted to withhold important information. This could put both the donor and the person receiving the blood at risk.
Through altruistic blood donation, we also celebrate the value of being kind and generous to others. It is a way to help patients in need and make our society a better place.
Blood components
Blood is made up of:
55% |
45% |
Plasma: the liquid portion of blood, containing mostly water, electrolytes, nutrients, and proteins such as antibodies and clotting factors.
- Red blood cells: helps carry oxygen and carbon dioxide to organs and tissue
- Platelets: helps blood clot
- White blood cells: helps the body fight infections
Blood needs
In 2025, 14 units of blood are required every hour in Singapore. That is 328 units every day or 119,720 units in the year.
What blood is used for
Percentage (%)
Surgery (including trauma and heart surgery)
General Medicine
Haematology (blood diseases)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
HSA keeps 9 days stockpile of blood supply to ensure sufficient blood supply during times of emergency.
Blood donors
In 2024, we had 79,365 donors. This was only 1.90% of the residential population.
22% were 1st time donors; 40% were regular donors and 14% were youth (25 years of age and below) donors.
- The highest number of donations by a single person stands at 356
- 24 donors have made their 200th donation
- 88 donors have made their 100th donation
Collection by blood type
In 2024, we received the following % of blood types: