Consultation on Guidance on Change Management Program (CMP) for SaMD

The Medical Devices Cluster (MDC) has released a draft of Guidance on Change Management Program (CMP) for SaMD for stakeholders' consultation. The document describes the regulatory requirements and procedures for CMP submission. CMP is a new optional regulatory pathway specifically for SaMD that is incorporated into HSA's Premarket Product Registration and Change Notification (CN) processes, which also introduces the concept of Pre-specified changes.

We would like to invite our stakeholders to provide feedback on the Guidance on Change Management Program (CMP) for SaMD:

Guidance on Change Management Program for SaMD_For consultation

The Consultation period for this document is from 26 August 2024 to 21 October 2024. Please email your feedback using the prescribed feedback form to by 21 October 2024 and with "Feedback on Guidance on CMP for SaMD" in the email subject header.

Consultation feedback form - Guidance on CMP for SaMD

Briefing webinar slides: Industry Briefing on CMP for SaMD_slides


Industry member, Medical devices

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