Recommendations on the use of codeine-containing products for treatment of pain and relief of cough and cold in children and adolescents

HSA, in consultation with its Medicines Advisory Committee, has issued a Dear Healthcare Professional Letter to update healthcare professionals on the recommendations on the use of codeine-containing products for the treatment of pain and the relief of cough and cold in children and adolescents. These recommendations have been made following concerns raised internationally on reports of deaths and severe respiratory depression in young children who received codeine following tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy for obstructive sleep apnoea. HSA’s benefit-risk assessment considered the current available scientific evidence, local adverse event reports and the input of local clinical experts. It was concluded that the benefit-risk profile of codeine remains favourable for restricted indications involving cough suppression and the short-term treatment of acute moderate pain in children 12 years old and above when administered at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible duration. Please refer to the letter for details.

Healthcare professional, Therapeutic Products

Dear Healthcare Professional Letters

12 Dec 2019

Only abstracts of the Dear Healthcare Professional Letters (DHCPL) are provided on this website. Details of the letters can be found on the MOH Alert System, which is accessible via the Health Professionals Portal (HPP). HPP is a one-stop portal for all healthcare professionals in Singapore. Dentists, medical doctors and pharmacists may access HPP at, and follow the procedures below to access the MOH Alert system.

Step 1: Scroll down to the bottom navigation panel of the HPP web page. Under the Healthcare Professionals section, expand the dropdown option for ‘Healthcare Professional Portal’ and select your profession. You will be redirected to the specific HPP web page to log in.

Step 2: Click on the Restricted Content icon on the left panel of the web page and log in via SingPass.

Step 3: Click on the MOH Alert icon under the ‘Applications’ section.

Step 4: Click on the Drug Alert tab to view the DHCPLs.