Esmya (ulipristal acetate) and risk of serious liver injury

Zuellig Pharma Pte Ltd would like to update healthcare professionals on the risk of serious liver injury associated with the use of Esmya (ulipristal acetate). Cases of serious liver injury had been reported overseas in patients treated with Esmya. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) concluded from its review that Esmya may have contributed to the development of some cases of serious liver injury. To minimise the risk of serious liver injury associated with the use of Esmya, Zuellig Pharma will be updating the local package insert of Esmya to include warnings on this risk and to inform of the need for liver function monitoring before, during and after treatment with Esmya. The indications for use will also be revised to highlight that Esmya should only be used for the intermittent treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of uterine fibroids, in women of reproductive age who are not eligible for surgical treatment. Esmya continues to be indicated for one treatment course of pre-operative treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of uterine fibroids in women of reproductive age. Please refer to the letter for details.

Healthcare professional, Therapeutic Products

Dear Healthcare Professional Letters

12 Dec 2019

Only abstracts of the Dear Healthcare Professional Letters (DHCPL) are provided on this website. Details of the letters can be found on the MOH Alert System, which is accessible via the Health Professionals Portal (HPP). HPP is a one-stop portal for all healthcare professionals in Singapore. Dentists, medical doctors and pharmacists may access HPP at, and follow the procedures below to access the MOH Alert system.

Step 1: Scroll down to the bottom navigation panel of the HPP web page. Under the Healthcare Professionals section, expand the dropdown option for ‘Healthcare Professional Portal’ and select your profession. You will be redirected to the specific HPP web page to log in.

Step 2: Click on the Restricted Content icon on the left panel of the web page and log in via SingPass.

Step 3: Click on the MOH Alert icon under the ‘Applications’ section.

Step 4: Click on the Drug Alert tab to view the DHCPLs.