The Cellular Therapy Programme at HSA is committed to the development of translational novel cellular therapies for the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes. The Cell Processing Laboratory (CPL), which fulfils Good Tissue Practices (GTP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements, was officially commissioned in 2006.
The CPL is a research and translational service laboratory that provides cellular product processing for collaborative clinical trials that require GTP or GMP conditions. Stringent regulatory standards ensure consistent quality and purity or sterility of manufactured cellular products for safe application to patients.
The staff working in the GMP facility are well-versed in the stringent processes required to run the lab including ensuring that air pressure gradients are maintained and thresholds of particulate matter not exceeded. The staff trained in international labs of excellence overseas, and all products manufactured are subject to release criteria consistent with other international labs.